Someone to Watch Over Me - Cracking down pandemic trojans using Rapid Static Analysis

Someone to Watch Over Me - Cracking down pandemic trojans using Rapid Static Analysis

Thursday, August 6, 2020 6:00 PM to 6:40 PM · 40 min. (Africa/Abidjan)
Sponsored Session


Threat actors have always played the game of tricking users to click on an e-mail or manipulating them to install an application. In the last 4 months, cybercriminals have used fear as their main weapon to compromise users by using pandemic-related themes to deliver malware.  

 This talk begins by dissecting current examples of trojans, ransomware and APT actors exploiting a pandemic theme. We will discuss new techniques employed by banking trojans, ransomware, and APT actors, and demonstrate the “rapid static analysis” technique to look for string and instruction similarities in these malware samples. We will also do a sneak peek on memory acquisitions and how they play a vital role in investigations. 

Primary Track
Cloud Security
40min Sponsored Session

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